8 Best Organic Essential Oils for Seasonal Allergies

You may be a little too familiar with seasonal allergies. From sneezing, a stuffy nose, watery and itchy eyes to itchy sinuses, throat, or ear canals and congestion — nothing about allergies is ideal. While over-the-counter allergy medications are available to help relieve symptoms, some studies have shown that essential oils may be beneficial. 


Peppermint is fresh, uplifting, and a scent that many of us already know. Studies have shown that peppermint oil acts as a natural decongestant that can help clear nasal passages. Next time you have a stuffy nose due to seasonal allergies, try putting some peppermint oil under your nose.


Eucalyptus is a fast-growing tree that dates back more than 50 million years ago. Eucalyptus is considered an expectorant, which is essentially something that helps decrease mucus and blockage. One study has shown that eucalyptus stimulates receptors in the nose, which, in turn, helps improve airflow.


Lavender has become a mainstream scent due to its ability to reduce stress. The essential oil can help with your seasonal allergies too. With the calming effect of lavender oil being a bonus, it also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial benefits, according to a few studies. Try putting some drops of lavender essential oil on a warm washcloth and lay it on your face while kicking back and relaxing.

Tea Tree

Tea tree oil can be found in many skincare and hair care products. It is also available as a simple essential oil. A study has shown that tea tree oil may be anti-inflammatory and help relieve seasonal allergies. This type of oil can cause a skin rash, so be sure to do a patch test before using it.


If you enjoy citrus scents, lemon essential oil may be worth a try. Lemon oil can help with allergy symptoms because it may help reduce inflammation within your sinuses. The peel of a lemon, in particular, has been shown to have antimicrobial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties. Try adding some lemon zest into a cup of warm water or add some lemon juice to your tea.


You probably have heard about rosemary since it is a common table spice. As an essential oil, rosemary naturally contains cineole, which acts as a cough suppressant. Since rosemary oil has antispasmodic and antihistamine properties, it can help relieve airway blockage with wheezing that comes from breathing issues related to seasonal allergies. Try seasoning your dish with some rosemary the next time you are cooking a meal or burn natural essential oil candles made with rosemary.


If your allergies tend to make you cough, frankincense oil may be something to try. Frankincense oil is great for helping reduce your cough, which can be triggered by grass allergies. This oil may help soothe inflammation in the airways, which can help you breathe more easily. 


If the other essential oil scents are not your cup of tea, try chamomile oil. It can act as an anti-inflammatory and a calming agent, which can help if you are trying to breathe a little easier when your airways are clogged. Brewing some chamomile tea could easily be a staple when allergy season is upon you. Chamomile has also been shown to help sleep, especially when feeling under the weather. Using chamomile oil in a diluted spray in your bedroom at night may help improve your sleep.