Dairy Farmers of Canada have launched an exciting campaign promoting the dairy industry target to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. 

The campaign, called "I'm In," is building on the long-standing commitment of dairy farmers as stewards of the land; in addition to that, it shows how innovation is taking place on farms to achieve their sustainability goals.

"Canadian dairy farmers are proud to lead the way in caring for our planet by continuing their dedication to conservation and sustainability. We already have one of the lowest carbon footprints in the world for milk production, and we are not stopping there. Our net-zero goal is a bold declaration of dairy farmers' continued work and ambition," says Pierre Lampron, president of Dairy Farmers of Canada. 

The campaign shines a light on sustainable strategies being undertaken by Canadian dairy farmers; in addition to that, numerous initiatives and innovations are included to place emphasis on soil health, plastics recycling, water retention, renewable energy, and enhanced biodiversity. 

"Our farmers have been working for decades to farm sustainably, making many changes over time, in order to create a future for dairy that not only reflects consumer priorities but demonstrates that Canadian dairy farmers share their values, too," says Pamela Nalewajek, vice-president of marketing for Dairy Farmers of Canada.

The campaign will be running from July 1st to August 12th, 2022.