Seaweed is one of the world's most sustainable and nutritious foods. It's zero-input, which means it doesn't require freshwater, fertilizer, or land to thrive.
Seaweed also has the ability to absorb excess nitrogen and phosphorus, which is deposited in the water by agricultural drainage and wastewater.
Almost half of the world's carbon dioxide emissions end up in the ocean, and excess in carbon causes rising temperatures which ultimately contributes to ocean acidification and results in harming the shell-forming creatures the fish we eat depend on.
It's estimated that coastal habitats absorb five times more carbon than terrestrial forests.
Seaweed could be the world's best regenerative crop. It proliferates at an incredible rate, and a study suggested that a "marine garden" the size of Washington state could provide enough protein to feed the earth's population, all while cleaning pollutants.
Harvesting seaweed is also really beneficial for the environment.
In addition to seaweed being incredibly sustainable, it's also highly nutritious, containing even more calcium than milk, more vitamin C than a bell pepper, and more protein than soybeans.
It's also rich in vitamin B12, iodine, and omega-3 fatty acids, which most plant-based diets are deficient in.