You're probably wondering what sustainable seafood even means; well, essentially, it means that the seafood you're consuming has been either caught or farmed with both the long-term future of the species and the health of the oceans in mind. So, in essence, seafood that is sustainable is not only better for you, but also the planet. And with that being said, here are three reasons why you should incorporate sustainable seafood into your diet.
Your body will thank you for it
Research shows that sustainable seafood is one of the healthiest protein choices you can pick. Consuming seafood at least two or more times a week and choosing it over red meat can even reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Seafood is also full of micronutrients, including selenium, Omega-3, Vitamin A, zinc, calcium, as well as iron, and all of these contribute to a long-term healthy diet.
The bottom line is if you know where your seafood comes from, you're actively prioritizing your own health as well as making a positive impact on the planet.
You're supporting local fisheries
The majority of coastal fishing towns around the United States and the world rely on small-scale fisheries for both income and food. By purchasing locally-caught seafood, you directly support your community and local economies.
You help endangered species
85% of the world's fisheries are fully exploited, resulting in many endangered fish species, so choosing sustainable seafood helps reduce the pressure on wild fisheries and allows their populations to replenish.
If the saying, "You are what you eat," is true, then eating sustainable seafood means you care about not just your health but the overall health of the planet, so choose sustainably, and your body and the planet will thank you for it.