The 5 Most Biodiverse Global Environments

Across all plains of the world, biodiversity can be found in every corner, stretching into rainforests, climbing up mountains, racing across fields, and swimming into the ocean’s depths. Diversity is a substantial and intangible entity that allows acceptance with all walks of life, whether human or not. All living things make up the cycle of nature, feeding into the food chain and bringing stability to each ecosystem, conjoining to create one solid world. Many areas around the world are more heavily populated, or densier in their inhabitants – these areas are crucial players in the health of our climate, natural resources, water quality and the livelihood of wildlife, locally and globally. Without the stability of these top areas, our planetary ecosystem would become skewed. 



Ranking at the top, Brazil is the mother champion of biodiversity. Various densely populated lands are located here – the Amazon rainforest, Mata Atlantica forests, the Pantanal inland swamps, and a heavy range of other terrestrial and aquatic environments thrive here. It also leads the world in the highest flora and fauna count, with over 46,000 species of plants and 1188 species of amphibians. Ranking in second in the rest of the habitat family tree.



Carrying the world’s largest number of species at 1826, Colombia is number two on the list. Colombia’s vast Amazons, grasslands and islands elevate the ecosystem's richness with an overwhelming multitude of bird, amphibian, and plant species. 



On average, China is viewed as being home to one of the largest city bases with major quantities of congestion, but in fact the East countrysides of China account for 13.7% of the world's total animal species, and 14% of the world's fungus species, found to be 1000. It holds a staggering array of mammals, fish, birds and many others, from rainforests to fields to deserts. 



Three out of the five countries on the list are located in South America, home to the wondrous Amazon rainforest, so there is no surprise that Peru made the cut. With dense foliage spread across 94% of forested land, high quantities of birds, mammals and amphibians, and rich history within the valleys, Peru is set to sit at the top of diversity. 



With a wide array of terrestrial and marine ecosystems spread across more than 10,000 islands, Indonesia has the world's third largest rainforest and legendary Coal Triangle. These islands have the highest number of mammal species out of any other country, with 515 species, along with 45% of the world’s fish population inhabiting its waters. 

Key Takeaways:
  • Stable ecosystems are necessary for the livelihood and health of nature’s cycle and the inhabitants within.  
  • Three out of the five listed countries are located in South America! 
  • The world’s amphibian population is at its highest and strongest outside of the US – calling South America and Asia their home.