10 Different Types Of Seeds You Can Plant At Home

Seeds are the beginning of new life, and there is something special about being able to plant them and watch them grow. There are many different kinds of seeds, and you can choose to plant ones that are easy to care for or more challenging ones. No matter what type of seed you choose to plant, it will be a satisfying experience to watch it grow into something new.

Here are 10 of the most popular types of seeds that people plant at home:



Tomatoes are a popular choice for home gardens, and there are wide different varieties that you can choose from. You can sow the seed 6-8 weeks before needing the product. When planting tomatoes, a key takeaway is to make sure you plant them in an area that gets much sunlight.



Peppers are another popular choice for home gardens; they come in various colors and flavors. Start them 8-12 weeks before in early spring. Peppers also need much sunlight, but they also need to be well-watered.



Cucumbers are a refreshing addition to any home garden and relatively easy to grow. It takes eight weeks to produce fruit. Cucumbers need to be planted in an area with rich soil, and they also need to be well-ventilated.



Squash is a versatile addition to any home garden; they come in wide varieties. Sow squash seeds 5-6 weeks before the last spring frost.



Lettuce is a popular choice for home gardens, as it is relatively easy to grow and can be used in various salads and other dishes. Leaf varieties can reach maturity in 6-8 weeks. 



Radishes are a crisp and refreshing addition to any home garden and relatively easy to grow. They grow best when it's still cool for summer crops; it takes only 3-5 weeks to come out.



Carrots are a popular choice for home gardens, as they are packed with nutrients and relatively easy to grow. It takes 7-11 weeks for carrots to grow out of seeds. 



Beets are another popular choice for home gardens, as they are packed with nutrients and relatively easy to grow. Sow them 2-4 weeks before for an early summer crop. Beets must be planted in an area with much sunlight and rich soil.



Potatoes are a versatile and popular choice for home gardens, as they can be used in various dishes and are relatively easy to grow. Potatoes can emerge in 2-4 weeks, depending on the soil temperature. 



Corn is a popular choice for home gardens, as it is a versatile and tasty addition to any meal. It only takes 10 to 12 days for corn to grow out.

Key Takeaways

  • Make sure you plant the seed in well-drained soil and water it regularly.
  • Don't plant the seed too deep—it needs light to germinate.
  • Be patient—some plants take longer to grow than others.

No matter what type of plants you want to grow, seeds are available that will allow you to do so. By doing a bit of research, you can find the perfect type of seeds for your garden.