5 Ways To Use Your Thanksgiving Leftovers

It’s that time of the year again – the time of being thankful. However, you might want to take a different approach to the wonders of Thanksgiving and all the food it has to offer this year.

There’s just no avoiding it – food waste is a huge problem, and this issue becomes particularly prominent when big celebrations come about. So, what can you do with all your Thanksgiving leftovers? Read on to say no to food waste and yes to some tasty recipe ideas!


Pumpkin Smoothie

Why not start the day off right with a healthy pumpkin smoothie? You may not have tried this beverage before, but it’s a perfect way to use up some leftover pumpkin pie filling. As well as enjoying a hearty blended smoothie, you can also gain the nutritional benefits that pumpkins offer. Those with a sweet tooth may be drawn to this.



Making turkey sandwiches might be the most obvious and renowned way to use up Thanksgiving leftovers, but this doesn’t mean they have to be dull. Turkey sandwiches can be delicious when paired with leftover cranberry sauce, seasoning, and melted brie – getting creative with toasted sandwiches under the grill can turn cold sandwiches into a hearty, hot meal!


Butternut Squash Mac And Cheese

After roasting your butternut squash, the remains of it can be used as a homely mac and cheese dish base ingredient. The creaminess of squash makes it a perfect addition to this type of bake – and you don’t even have to resort to using meat! 


Turkey Soup

Turkey soup is another leftover classic. Use up your leftover turkey, vegetables, and potatoes in a comforting soup. Simply add stock and seasoning and leave it simmering in a pan! Chunky or smooth soups can really lift your mood as the days get colder.


Pumpkin Chili

Suppose you have any leftover pumpkin components and don’t fancy making the pumpkin smoothie mentioned above. In that case, you could always create a pumpkin chili – a perfect homely weeknight meal with a creamy texture. Simply replace the beef mince with pumpkin to create a healthier, vegetarian alternative to regular chili con carne. The meat industry is renowned for burdening our environment, so trying out some vegetarian and vegan dishes can really make all the difference to our planet.


Key Takeaways

  • Firstly, it’s evident that food waste is a huge problem that we need to tackle sooner rather than later. By turning your leftovers into something special, you can avoid making this problem any more significant than it already is!
  • Next, businesses can benefit from encouraging consumers to use up their leftovers. For example, by offering recipe books, cooking classes, or simply just storage containers, companies may be able to profit from increasingly eco-conscious consumers.
  • Finally, any individual can make a difference. With the planet’s fate in our human hands, it’s time to start approaching our most wasteful holidays in the right way today!