Five Environmentally Friendly Fabrics to Look for When You Shop

If you are intrigued about shopping more sustainably, it’s essential to consider what types of fabrics you are actually buying into. After all, even if a company creates its clothes locally, has fair working conditions, and decreases fabric waste, its fabric choices may still prevent them from truly being sustainable.

So, what fabrics should you be looking out for when attempting to shop sustainably? Read on to find out!


You may not have heard of qmonos, but it is a great sustainable alternative to more harmful materials out there. It is synthetic spider silk created using spider genetics and microbes. As a synthetic material, no spiders are utilized in the creation process, making it vegan-friendly too.

Organic linen

Organic linen is one of the most popular sustainable materials out there, having very similar advantages to hemp. Indeed, this type of linen has been grown for hundreds of years, is biodegradable, and needs very little maintenance. Additionally, the material itself is very light, soft, robust, and also naturally moth resistant, making it incredibly efficient as a clothing type.

Recycled fabrics

Recycled fabrics are a good choice for those wanting to become more sustainable since you’d be giving materials a second chance at life. By keeping materials in the loop, you stop yourself from taking up new resources, reduce the demand for the production of new resources, and avoid fabrics from going to waste.

Eco fabric
Organic hemp

Hemp is a plant that you can utilize to make a range of things, including construction materials, food, cosmetics, and of course, fabrics. As one of the oldest fibers to be used for garments, organic hemp has been in use for hundreds of years. With all-season practicality and its ability to soften after washing, this material can make a fine contribution to any wardrobe.


While not a conventional material used for making clothes, some sustainable brands are leaning towards using soft bamboo fabric. This is a highly sustainable plant, but you must be careful about where you buy this material – its manufacturing process can often harm our planet.

Key Takeaways

There are various things to learn from this article, including the importance of putting an end to fast fashion. 

  • Some brands’ intense push towards using sustainable materials is very telling, demonstrating that we need to change our fashion habits for the betterment of our world.
  • Secondly, one might suggest that businesses using sustainable fabrics are more likely to succeed in this modern age than those which don’t. Since consumers are becoming increasingly conscious about their impact on our environment, many have started to boycott harmful brands and buy only sustainable goods.
  • Finally, it is evident that any one person can make a significant impact on our planet. By buying into sustainable fabrics rather than polluting ones, you can take us one step closer to reducing our carbon footprint today.