Happy World Environment Day!!

Where would we be today without the resources, security, and beauty of the environment? The environment gives us so many treasures and specialities, from clean water, to oxygen, to shady trees, to waterfalls, to flowing fields, to the animals that run at our feet. Every ecosystem has a strong purpose, and supporting its integrity is our responsibility as humans on this planet. 

World Environment Day was established by the United Nations Environment Programme on June 5, 1973. This day was the result of the first major environmental conference held from June 5-16, 1972 in Stockholm, Sweden, known as the Conference on the Human Environment, or the Stockholm Conference. The main focus was to fuse together common goals in addressing the challenges we face on preserving and enhancing the environment. The General Assembly later on made June 5 the official day of celebration and remembrance: 

“Governments and the organizations in the United Nations system undertake on that day every year world-wide activities reaffirming their concern for the preservation and enhancement of the environment, with a view to deepening environmental awareness and to pursuing the determination expressed at the Conference.” 

For World Environment Day there are many things we can do as recipients of these resources to not only better our lives, but better the health of the environment–

  1. #BeatPlasticPollution–join the global movement and start your fight to beat plastic.
  2. Join local, national, or global environmental movements, beach clean ups, organizations, non-profits, or any other agency that is doing their part to help the preservation of our Earth. 
  3. Start at home–plant a tree, plants, or flowers either in your yard or at a local park.
  4. Grow a garden with organic vegetables–bringing healthier and more sustainable choices to your table by reducing plastic waste, transportation emissions, and the other negative factors that go into our food industry.  
  5. Build a connection with nature–go for a walk, a hike, or a run; go camping in the mountains or swimming in the ocean; allow yourself to create a deeper connection to your surroundings. This in turn can bring respect, peace, and inclusion to your home and many others. 

This day has generated decades of hard work and dedication from organizations, agencies, other foundations, and individuals in pursuit of a brighter future. The UNEP has helped raise awareness for issues such as the depletion of the ozone layer, global warming, desertification, toxic chemical emissions, and many others. It has developed a platform for taking urgent action and generating political movements. It has also led people to join the fight in driving habitual changes, as well as national and international environmental policies. 

Earth is on her emergency code and needs our help–join the fight for change and become part of the inspiration that's sparking across the world.