The Tiny House Project was developed at Westminster College to help develop a unique living and learning experience for students. It integrates sustainability and simple living and has a small lot on the college campus.

Students who are part of the environmental science program are encouraged as part of their coursework to live in the tiny house to experience authentic minimalism. Currently, the student living there now is Claire Mock, a senior at the college. 

“It’s really small. It teaches you how many things you actually need to live,” says Claire Mock.

The Tiny House project was started in 2016. It uses less electricity and water than a normal house and is also powered by a solar panel. The home also includes a small bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom.

“It’s super important examining the amount of waste that I produce, the amount of electricity and water that I’m using, and finding more ways that personally I can become more sustainable,” Mock continued.

Westminster College wants their students to think and be more more critical about ways they are impacting the environment and the educational experience from the Tiny House provides exactly that.

“I think it’s a great experience for everyone because these are things we don’t think about in our daily life.” - Claire Mock. 

Additionally, Claire says that the hands-on experience has been incredibly educational, and she recommends to others to take advantage of simple living opportunities.